Published Books on Prophetic Medicine

Published Books on Prophetic Medicine

Due to the importance attached to the knowledge of medicine by the Prophet (ﷺ), Muslims studied medicine, surgery, astronomy, botany, drugs, et cetera, and made significant contribution towards the development of modern medical sciences. There had been quite a good number of Muslim physicians and scientists after the advent of Islam. Among the non-Muslims who laid down the foundations of medicine and pharmacy, Hippocrates, Galen and Dioscorides are worth mentioning. These two great physicians (Hippocrates and Galen) excelled all the others. Apart from the above, Muslim writers, theologians, herbalists, botanists and physicians also wrote quite a good number of manuscripts and books on medicine and pharmacy during the period from 800 CE to 1600 CE. Ibn al-Qayyim quoted from several of these writers.

However, for names and other details about the great Muslim physicians, surgeons, botanists and herbalists who excelled in medicine and pharmacy during the Middle Ages please consult the book, Medicine and Pharmacy in the Prophetic Traditions written by Dr. Muhammad Musharraf Hussain and published in two volumes (pages 1046) by International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2014. The book also gives a detailed account of ancient manuscripts and books on medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ). During the last few centuries quite a good number of books on Prophetic medicine have been published. They are available in Arabic even today. Some of them have been translated from Arabic into English, Urdu, French and Bengali (Bangla).

(Author: Dr. Muhammad Musharraf Hussain)


* Chronic Diseases are curable by applying Prophetic Medicine *




Immunity related Diseases, 

Low Sperm Count, 

Paralysis ,


Heart, Kidney and Lung related Diseases. 

* Chronic Diseases are curable by applying Prophetic Medicine *

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