Sources of the Prophet’s medicines


Sources of the Prophet’s medicines

Picture1 jpeg         The Holy Qur’an  

The noble Qur’an is not a typical book of medicine, health science or pharmacy, but it provides effective guidance, which, if followed, ensures good health and absolute healing. It contains the prescription for all types of ailments, be it physical or spiritual. It provides the prescription not only to treat an individual but also a society, a nation and the humankind. It contains the remedy for people who possess a wicked character and for those who are socially misled. A large number of people who have come in contact with the Qur’an and received guidance from it stayed away from all kinds of pollution, lust and material influence. They also remained free from diseases and sickness and were not usually dependent on doctors and physicians. There are numerous examples of such people in the pages of history. Allah (SWT) says:

“And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers…..(al-Isra’ 17: 82)

 The Holy Qur’an does not specify any physical medicine except honey. In Surah Nahl Allah (SWT) has termed honey as a healing agent for humankind (al-Nahl 16: 69).  Prophet Muhammad ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) also made several statements on the therapeutic uses of honey. Thus honey has become a Qur’anic as well as Prophetic medicine.

The medicine and pharmacy of the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) has several sources. These are revelation, the empirical experience of the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) and the folk medicine of that time in the Arabian Peninsula. Medical knowledge of other communities was also known in Makkah or Madinah at the time of the Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم). Books of hadiths and Islamic history are the current sources of information of the Prophet’s medicines.

Picture    2 jpeg     Some authentic books of hadiths  

Imam Bukhari narrated 129 hadiths directly related to medicine and pharmacy in his Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhâri. He developed two books on it, the book of medicine (Kitâb aṭ-Ṭibb) and the book of the sick (Kitâb al-Marḍâ’). The book of the sick (70) contains the hadiths numbering from 540 to 581, while the book of medicine (71) holds the hadiths numbering from 582 to 673. Other books of Hadith, such as Sunan Abu Dâwood and Jâmi‘ at-Tirmidhi, also narrated hadiths with relevance to medicine. The book of medicine of Sunan Abu Dâwood contains 49 hadiths on medicine. These are in book number 28, numbering from 3846 to 3894. The book of medicine of Jâm‘ at-Tirmidhi contains 51 hadiths on treatment in volume 4, chapter 28, numbering from 1985 to 2036. Muslim, Ahmad, an-Nasâ’i and Ibn Mâjah have also narrated a good number of hadiths on medicine. Among the scholars who have collected the hadiths and related them to available medical knowledge, Abu Nu‘aym (d. 430 AH), adh-Dhahabi (d. 748 AH), Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyah (d. 751 AH) and Jalâl ad-Deen as-Suyooṭi (d. 911 AH) are well-known apopularlar.

(Author: Dr. Muhammad Musharraf Hussain)


* Chronic Diseases are curable by applying Prophetic Medicine *




Immunity related Diseases, 

Low Sperm Count, 

Paralysis ,


Heart, Kidney and Lung related Diseases. 

* Chronic Diseases are curable by applying Prophetic Medicine *

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