Three Modalities of Prophetic Medicine


Three Modalities of Prophetic Medicine 

There are three modalities of Prophetic medicine, physical medicine, spiritual medicine and a combination of both physical and spiritual medicines. Apart from several physical medicines of the Prophet (ﷺ), there are also the spiritual aspects of Prophetic medicine, which mainly consist of prayer and supplication to Allah for healing, and recitation from the Holy Qur’an. These play a significant role in healing. This has been proved by some clinical researches carried out in Harvard School of Medicine, USA.

Patients in a medicine ward were divided into two groups. For one group, both the physician and patient’s relatives offered prayer for healing, while for the other group none prayed for. It was found that the group for whom the doctor and the relations prayed for left the hospital much earlier than the other group for whom nobody prayed for their recovery. In fact, where modern medicine failed Prophetic medicine proved very useful, because the Prophet (ﷺ) was indeed a physician of the body and the soul.

The Qur’an cures not only the physical ailments but also the spiritual sickness. It provides the prescription not only to treat an individual but also a society, a nation and the humankind. It contains remedy for people who possessed wicked character, and those who are socially misled.  Allah SWT says:

 “And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers…(al-Isra’ 17: 82)

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:

The best medicine is the Qur’an.” (Recorded by at-Tirmidhi)

(Author: Dr. Muhammad Musharraf Hussain)


* Chronic Diseases are curable by applying Prophetic Medicine *




Immunity related Diseases, 

Low Sperm Count, 

Paralysis ,


Heart, Kidney and Lung related Diseases. 

* Chronic Diseases are curable by applying Prophetic Medicine *

More information #

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