
Showing posts from May, 2021

What is Prophetic medicine?

  What is Prophetic medicine? Prophet’s medicine or Prophetic medicine or Medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ)  comprises a set of practices and principles that have been meticulously preserved over the centuries by Muslim scholars, who believed that each and every statement of the Prophet (ﷺ) relating to health and sickness contained divinely inspired words of therapy for the greater benefit of humankind. It includes the words of the Prophet (ﷺ) on medical matters, medical treatment practiced by others on the Prophet (ﷺ), medical treatment practiced by the Prophet (ﷺ) on himself and others. It also includes medical treatments observed or heard by the Prophet (ﷺ) where he did not object or prohibit. Prophetic medicine is the divinely inspired words of therapy of the Prophet (ﷺ). It is a holistic form of approach to health and wellness. ‘Holistic’ nature of medicine is an approach that only recently is gaining scientific recognition and acceptance. It contains all aspe

Why Prophetic Medicine is the Best?

  Why Prophetic Medicine is the Best? The divine knowledge is the best knowledge. All Prophets (as) were men of purity, piety, nobility and high morality. They were men of profound wisdom and knowledge who possessed the best minds and the best character. They were mature, sound in intellect, the most learned and the nearest to the truth among the creation. They were the best of humankind that Allah has chosen, just as Muhammad (ﷺ) is the best among all the messengers. Allah gave them unrivaled knowledge, discernment and wisdom; He blessed them with unparalleled wisdom and forbearing. Hence, the medicine prescribed or recommended by a man of divine character must be the best. Medicine prescribed by an ordinary physician might be wrong. Even after  a thorough investigation is made, prescription given by three doctors on the basis of the investigation reports might be entirely different. And it is impossible for for a patient to determine which one is wrong. I

Sources of the Prophet’s medicines

  Sources of the Prophet’s medicines          The Holy Qur’an   The noble Qur’an is not a typical book of medicine, health science or pharmacy, but it provides effective guidance, which, if followed, ensures good health and absolute healing. It contains the prescription for all types of ailments, be it physical or spiritual. It provides the prescription not only to treat an individual but also a society, a nation and the humankind. It contains the remedy for people who possess a wicked character and for those who are socially misled. A large number of people who have come in contact with the Qur’an and received guidance from it stayed away from all kinds of pollution, lust and material influence. They also remained free from diseases and sickness and were not usually dependent on doctors and physicians. There are numerous examples of such people in the pages of history. Allah (SWT) says: “And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the

Difference Between Prophetic Medicine and Modern Medicine

  Difference Between Prophetic Medicine and Modern Medicine The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was neither a physician nor did he claim any aptitude for curing diseases for himself. Rather, he advised sick individuals to consult a physician. The vast number of Ahadith on diseases and remedies, health and wellness, as well as medical questions, which have been systematized by early Muslim writers, became known as at-Tibb an-Nabawi , the Medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ) or the Prophet’s medicine. There is a great difference between the medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ) and the medicine of ordinary physicians. This difference is greater than that between the medicine of physicians and the medicine of itinerant quacks and old women. There is also a huge difference between medicine discovered by revelation and that discovered by experience and guess work. The underlying difference between modern medicine and Prophetic medicine is that modern medicine is based on scientific laborato

Principles of Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ)

  Principles of Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ) The Qur’anic principle of healing is that Allah is the Healer, and the doctors and the medicines are the means of healing. The Qur’an says in the tongue of Ibrahim (AS): “And when I am ill, it is He (Allah) Who heals (cures) me”. (al-Shu’ara’ 26: 80)  The Islamic concept of healing is that a physician diagnoses an ailment and prescribes medicine(s); a pharmacist prepares the medicines and dispenses them to the patient. Ultimately, it is Allah, Who heals the ailment through the medicine. Jâbir ibn ‘Abdullâh (RA) related from Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) that he said: “Every disease has medicine, and when the proper medicine is applied to the disease as per diagnosis, the disease gets healed by the will of Allah.” (Muslim)  If medical ideas were not needed at that time, why did Almighty Allah address him as ‘a mercy to humankind’? Since Islam is the complete and eternal way of human life, which the most G

Characteristics of Prophetic Medicine

  Characteristics of Prophetic Medicine Most of the Prophetic medicines (PM) are preventive and herbal in nature. They are connected to proper eating habits of nutritious and lawful foods. Amount of food to be taken daily and the time and frequency of eating is very important. It gives specific guidelines on how to preserve one’s health free from pollution and malnutrition, and protect it from damage, deterioration and destruction. A much quoted hadith regarding over-indulgence in eating is that one should never fill up one’s stomach with food. The proportion recommended was one-third for food, one-third for water and one-third left empty for air or breathing. This makes perfect sense in modern day society, where obesity has become a pandemic. Currently PM is becoming more and more popular together with complementary and alternative medicines in many Muslim countries including Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The reason is that it is firmly embedded within wi

Global Scenario of Prophetic Medicine

  Global Scenario of Prophetic Medicine The subject of the Prophet’s medicine is vast and comprehensive, and it can only be comprehended by one who believes in the power of divine revelation. The Prophet’s original mission was not solely to contribute to medicine, pharmacy or health science. However, although the guidance of the Prophet (ﷺ) is not directly linked with the medicine he prescribed, humankind, as the main focal point of the revelation, cannot be ignored in the ultimate guidance, because man needs to remain well, free from sickness to fulfill his mission on earth. This is why although the Prophet’s arrival was not as a doctor or pharmacist he was inspired to make nearly 1000 statements on health & wellness, sickness & cure and diseases & treatment. And all his statements are found to be in full compliance with the principles of modern medical science. In fact where modern medicine failed Prophetic medicine proved very useful, because

Published Books on Prophetic Medicine

Published Books on Prophetic Medicine Due to the importance attached to the knowledge of medicine by the Prophet (ﷺ), Muslims studied medicine, surgery, astronomy, botany, drugs, et cetera, and made significant contribution towards the development of modern medical sciences. There had been quite a good number of Muslim physicians and scientists after the advent of Islam. Among the non-Muslims who laid down the foundations of medicine and pharmacy, Hippocrates, Galen and Dioscorides are worth mentioning. These two great physicians (Hippocrates and Galen) excelled all the others. Apart from the above, Muslim writers, theologians, herbalists, botanists and physicians also wrote quite a good number of manuscripts and books on medicine and pharmacy during the period from 800 CE to 1600 CE. Ibn al-Qayyim quoted from several of these writers. However, for names and other details about the great Muslim physicians, surgeons, botanists and herbalists who excelled in m

Three Modalities of Prophetic Medicine

  Three Modalities of Prophetic Medicine  There are three modalities of Prophetic medicine, physical medicine, spiritual medicine and a combination of both physical and spiritual medicines. Apart from several physical medicines of the Prophet (ﷺ), there are also the spiritual aspects of Prophetic medicine, which mainly consist of prayer and supplication to Allah for healing, and recitation from the Holy Qur’an. These play a significant role in healing. This has been proved by some clinical researches carried out in Harvard School of Medicine, USA. Patients in a medicine ward were divided into two groups. For one group, both the physician and patient’s relatives offered prayer for healing, while for the other group none prayed for. It was found that the group for whom the doctor and the relations prayed for left the hospital much earlier than the other group for whom nobody prayed for their recovery. In fact, where modern medicine failed Prophetic medicine pr